India’s fiscal deficit (for
the Centre) in FY22 is
expected to be 6.8% of the
GDP, or in layman’s terms
about Rs.15.06 lakh crore.
When considering the debts
of States as well, this jumps
to about 12.7% of the GDP
(as of FY21). In comparison,
the budgetary outlay for
MGNREGA in FY22 was
Rs.73,000 crore, while the
Ministry of Defence was
allocated Rs.4.78 lakh crore
for FY22. Every year, the
shortfall grows wider.
The reality of privitisation
There is consensus that
privatisation is the panacea.
Policymakers often cite the
private sector’s ability to grow
faster. This may not always
be true — studies indicate
that the gap in growth (and
service) between public
sector undertakings (PSUs)
with autonomy and private
firms is not significant. One
study highlighted that the
famed British privatisation
initiative of British Airways,
British Gas, and the Railways
led to no systemic difference
in performance (T.T. Ram
Mohan, February 2021);
even now, private British
trains can be significantly
delayed by “leaves on the
line”. Evidence on
performance after
privatisation is even more
mixed in developing
countries. Of course, there
are examples like VSNL and
Hindustan Zinc, but growth
post-privatisation is often due
to multiple factors (for
example, better funding
under a private promoter
versus a starved government
budget, a better business
cycle). Sometimes, the
difference in a PSU’s
performance (and ability to
generate tax revenue) is
simply government apathy.
Privatisation as a
revenue source has also
offered paltry returns. As a
state, we have sought to hock
our generational wealth in
PSUs for the past two
decades, with limited
success. The Disinvestment
Commission, under the
Ministry of Industries, was set
up in 1996 to provide inputs
on which firms to privatise in
over a five-10-year period.
However, this Commission
was dissolved in 1999. A
separate Department of
Disinvestment was set up
under the Ministry of Finance
and later upgraded to a fullfledged
Ministry in 2001. It
was downgraded back to a
department in 2004.
Beyond the institutional
set-up, privatisation as a
policy has also singularly
failed to raise significant
funds – actual receipts from
disinvestment have always
fallen significantly short of
targets. For example, in
FY11, Rs.22,846 crore was
raised against a target of
Rs.40,000 crore; by FY20,
Rs.50,304 crore was raised
against a target of Rs.1 lakh
crore (PRS India, 2021). In
total, between FY11 and
FY21, about Rs.5 lakh crore
was raised (that is, about
33% of just FY22’s projected
fiscal deficit (PRS India,
2021) – some of this, notably
through stake sale to other
PSUs. Given social and
institutional constraints,
India’s ability to privatise firms
will continue to be slow in the
future (for example, BPCL’s
long-awaited journey).
Clearly, this is a lever that is
unlikely to raise significant
revenue. Perhaps it is time to
consider other options.
Going forward, outright
privatisation (as opposed to
stake sale) may not
necessarily make sense. Air
India aside, a recently held
auction of about 21 oil and
gas blocks had only three
firms participating, of which
two were PSUs; 18 blocks
ended up with just a single
bid. An additional push to
privatise 12 rail route clusters
attracted interest in just three
routes, with only two bidders
(again, one of which was a
PSU). Meanwhile, in a
market on the edge, with
interest rate hikes coming,
this may also not be the right
time. There is also the
challenge of valuation – for
example, about 65% of about
300 national highway
projects have been recording
significant toll collection
growth (>15%, since they
have been in operation); any
valuations of such assets will
need to ensure they capture
potential growth in toll
revenue, as NHAI’s highway
expansion bears fruit and the
economy recovers. Instead,
the Maruti model is
instructive – the government
had a joint venture with the
Suzuki Corporation, but
ceded control, despite Suzuki
having only 26%
shareholding, in return for a
push by Suzuki for greater
exports from India and
manufacture of global
models in India. Exits from
Maruti were conducted in
small tranches, ensuring a
better valuation for the
government. Empirical
evidence highlights that
stake sales are considered a
preferred route (about 67% of
all PSU sales in about 108
countries between 1977 and
2000 were conducted via this
route), as it gives time to
ensure price discovery,
allowing improved
performance to raise
valuations over time,
Beyond revenue raising,
there are serious social
consequences with
privatisation. PSUs have
been significant generators of
employment in the past, with
multiplier effects – there were
about 348 CPSUs in
existence in 2018, with a total
investment of Rs.16.4 trillion
(Srivastava, Vinay K., March
2021) and about 10.3 lakh
employees in Central Public
Sector Enterprises (in 2019).
A push for privatisation is a
push for mass layoffs, in a
period of low job creation.
Greater concentration of
public assets in select private
hands is also a medium-term
concern. In India, about 70%
of all profits generated in the
corporate sector in FY20
were with just 20 firms (in
comparison, the situation in
FY93 was about 15%).
Across sectors, a whiff of
oligopoly is emerging –
cigarettes continue to be
dominated by a single player
(with ~77% market share in
FY21), paints has one entity
with ~40% in FY21, airports
now has a new operator with
about six airports plus a 74%
stake in Mumbai’s
international airport, while
telecom has just three
players left. Such
concentration, mixed with
privatisation of public assets,
is likely to lead to higher
usage fees (already being
seeing in telecom) and
inflation, coupled with a loss
of strategic control.
Perhaps, another
avenue of selective PSU
reform could be considered.
In China, for the past few
decades, growth has been
led by corporatised PSUs, all
of them held under a holding
company (SASAC), which
promotes better governance,
appoints leadership and
executes mergers and
acquisitions. Such PSUs that
have scaled up are market
leaders. In Singapore, the
Ministry of Finance focuses
on policymaking, while
Temasek (the holding firm) is
focused on corporatising and
expanding its PSUs (for
example, Singtel, PSA,
Singapore Power, Singapore
Airlines) towards a global
scale. A PSU with greater
autonomy, with the
government retaining control
via a holding firm, can also
be subject to the right
incentives (T.T. Ram Mohan,
February 2021). Surely,
Indian PSUs could aspire to
be as large and efficient as
the Chinese ones. The time
has come to take a relook at
privatisation. Simply pursuing
this path, while utilising such
proceeds for loan write-offs or
populist giveaways in the
election cycle will not do. A
hunt for immediate revenue
should not overshadow the
long-term interest of the
ordinary Indian.
Titan, Bihar | |
The time has come to take a relook at privatisation. | |
2025-01-24 16:54:49 | |
Vinay, Uttar Pradesh | |
Government should look into privatization matter. | |
2025-01-24 16:46:27 | |
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